Model Description
EASETECH is an LCA-model for assessment of environmental technologies developed at the Technical University of Denmark. EASETECH is an acronym for “Environmental Assessment System for Environmental TECHnologies”.
The primary aim of EASETECH is to perform life cycle assessment (LCA) of complex systems handling heterogeneous material flows. EASETECH models resource use and recovery as well as environmental emissions associated with environmental management in a life-cycle context.
The two main novelties compared to other LCA software are as follows. First, the focus is put on material flow modelling, as each flow is characterised as a mix of material fractions with different properties and flows in terms of mass and composition are computed throughout the integrated system included rejects, slags, ashes and products as a basis for the LCA calculations. Second, the tool has been designed to allow for the easy set-up of scenarios by using a toolbox, the processes within which can handle material flows in different ways and have different emission calculations.
EASETECH is available for researchers, consultants, authorities as well as technology developers, but only after proper training in the use and interpretation of the model.
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